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Meaning, nature, functions and sources of Law in Tanzania

Law has been a central topic in legal science for centuries, with various scholars offering differing definitions and perspectives. While no single definition fully encompasses the concept of law, the following viewpoints highlight its key aspects: Nature of Law The…
Meaning and Importance of Legal Method (student notes)

Legal method is a foundational subject in legal studies that equips students with the techniques to locate, understand, and apply the law effectively. It is an interdisciplinary subject that cuts across all areas of law, as the skills learned are…
Domicile in Private International Law [NOTES]

Today I’m going to cover domicile in Private international law. Audience: Law students in Tanzania These notes will discuss; Let’s get started Domicile in Private International Law Domicile simply means a permanent home of a person. It may be defined as…
Classification in Private International Law [notes]

These notes cover everything you need to know about classification in private international law. Audience: Law students in Tanzania Here you will learn What is the classification in Private International Law? In a civil case involving a foreign element technically…
How to Adopt a Child in Tanzania (checklist + docs)

If you want to learn how to adopt a child in Tanzania, this post is for you. Generally, one of the means which people can build a family in this world is through adoption. The uniqueness of this way is…
Joint Venture Agreement in Tanzania (guide + free templates)

Powers, duties & liabilities of directors of a company in Tanzania [notes

This post covers the powers of directors in company law. Generally, a company has no physical existence, it is just an artificial legal person, and hence it cannot manage its own affairs without having a natural person. A Natural person…
History of Banking in Tanzania and East Africa (NOTES)

This post covers the History of Banking in Tanzania and East Africa at large. here you will see Let’s get started The history of banking in Tanzania before colonialism The history of the banking business in Tanzania and East Africa…
Functions of Bank (central and commercial) notes

This post covers the functions of banks. here you will learn let’s get started What is bank Bank can simply be defined as an entity that is engaged in the banking business. However In the case of United Dominions Trust…
Reasons for Revival of Natural Law theory in 20th Century [notes]

Today I’m going to talk about the revival of natural law theory in the 20th Century. Here I will cover What is Natural Law? Natural law is the body of moral principles which are naturally developed by human reason alone.…